News ArchiveNews 2023
News 2023
6. September 2023
New era of Czech science: The EOSC initiative is entering a hot phase in the Czech Republic
The international EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) initiative is expanding to the Czech Republic. It will connect existing scientific communities and create a system for storing and sharing data. Moreover, it will facilitate the research data access for scientists and scientific organizations. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic has just approved funding for the “IPs EOSC-CZ” project in Czechia. And it has officially launched its active phase on Monday, 4 September 2023. Press Release: here30. August 2023
Our colleague Aleš Padrta in Czech Radio Plzeň
Our colleague Aleš Padrta appeared on Czech Radio Plzeň in the Our guest programme. You can listen to an interview about how to navigate the internet here.3. August 2023
The interview with Luďek Matyska about EOSC
Professor RNDr. Luděk Matyska, CSc, representative of the mandated organization CESNET, which representing EOSC for the Czech Republic, spoke about the EOSC-CZ project in an interview for EOSC Focus. You can read about the history of the EOSC project in the Czech Republic, the motivation and visions of the project for the future. The interview is HERE.2. August 2023
Our colleague Lukáš Šišmiš contributed to the improvement of Suricata
Our colleague Lukáš Šišmiš from the Administration and Security Tools Department has contributed to a significant improvement of the open-source security tool Suricata. He developed an important feature to support DPDK interface. In addition, based on his results, he became an official member of the Suricata development team. Congratulations! More information here.17. July 2023
In Plzeň computers are taught to understand human speech. In this process they use CESNET services
Recently, at the Grid Computing Seminar, we heard an interesting lecture by Jan Lehecka from the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of West Bohemia. He described how he and his colleagues at MetaCenter train AI models. We just had to go to Plzeň to have a look. Researchers at the Department of Cybernetics showed us what projects they are working on and what CESNET services they use. More in our new article.12. July 2023
Children’s University of CTU in SAGElab
The SAGElab laboratory, which is a joint workplace of the CESNET association and the Faculty of Information Technology of the CTU in Prague, has been hosting the activities of the CTU Children’s University since 10 July. The aim is to arouse children’s interest in technical fields. The event, which is organised by the CTU Rector’s Office in cooperation with individual faculties, is intended for children who have completed the 1st to 8th year of primary school. Upon graduation, they can earn the title ‘Little Bachelor’ or ‘Little Engineer’. In the SAGEl