
Official seat (billing address)

CESNET, zájmové sdružení právnických osob (abbreviation: CESNET)
Generála Píky 430/26
160 00 Prague 6
Czech Republic

CESNET, zájmové sdružení právnických osob (CESNET), ID No.: 63839172, VAT: CZ63839172, with registered office at Generála Píky 430/26, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic, registered in the Registry of Associations maintained by the Municipal Court of Prague, file label L 58848.

Identification number: 63839172

Tax ID: CZ63839172

Data box ID


Bank details

19-8482200297/0100 for payments in CZK
19-6024040207/0100 for payments in CZK
19-6560080237/0100 for payments in EUR
Komerční banka, a. s., Dejvická 52, 160 59 Prague 6

Filing office

podatelna(at) (for sending electronic invoices)


The internal whistleblowing system of the CESNET association is available for whistleblowers according to Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers, at (PIN U3C4).

Whistleblower protection officer under Whistleblower Protection Act: JUDr. Robert Pecka. pecka(at), tel.: +420 737 209 716 Postal address: Whistleblowing CESNET, Lexnova s.r.o., Na Rovnosti 12/2274, 130 00 Prague 3

The CESNET Association precludes the acceptance of notifications submitted by individuals who do not perform work or similar activities for the Association as defined in Section 2(3)(a), (b), (h) or (i) of the Whistleblower Protection Act, which means that CESNET only accepts notifications from its employees, volunteers, interns, trainees and applicants for these positions.

The external notification system operated by the Ministry of Justice is available at

Personal Data Protection

Data subject may send his/her request to exercise his/her rights against the personal data controller (CESNET) via the CESNET data box or by e-mail to oou-zadost(at)

Data Protection Officer: MT Legal s.r.o., law firm, ID No.: 28305043

Responsible for the officer´s performance: JUDr. Petr Novotný, LL.M.

Delivery address: Jugoslávská 620/29, 120 00 Prague 2,

e-mail: novotny(at)

tel.: +420 606 794 386



Non-stop service desk

+420 234 680 222