News ArchiveNews 2023
News 2023
4. July 2023
CESNET 2022 Annual Report
We have just released the 2022 Annual Report. You can take a look back at the main events of last year with us. For the first time in our history we relocated our corporate headquarters, continued to upgrade our CESNET3 backbone and strengthened our computing capacity and data storage infrastructure. Read more here.3. July 2023
Project PRIVILEGE was successfully completed
In June 2023, the Final Review of PRIVILEGE, supported by the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR), took place in Paris. CESNET collaborated on this international research project with three other organisations from European countries: Thales (as project coordinator) from France, CEA from France and Intracom Defense from Greece. The project focused on new technologies related to data confidentiality protection in the context of collaborative machine learning. In April 2023, we have finished a European research project called PRIVILEGE (PRIVacy and homomorphIc encryption for artific23. June 2023
Vint Cerf celebrates his 80th birthday
The Czech server commemorates Vint Cerf’s birthday. Jan Gruntorád, founder and long-time former director of CESNET, is also mentioned in the article.20. June 2023
Research on optical amplifiers in telecommunications in a prestigious publication
Our colleague Vojtěch has contributed to a chapter of the Handbook of Radio and Optical Networks Convergence, which has just been published by the prestigious publishing house Springer Nature. Together with Pavel Peterka from the Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the CAS, they wrote a book chapter with a comprehensive overview of optical amplifiers for telecommunications and laser technology.15. June 2023
CESNET network celebrates 30 years
Exactly 30 years ago, on 15 June 1993, the CESNET academic computer network was launched. At that time it connected ten Czech and Moravian university towns at a speed of 19.2 kbit/s, the main Prague-Brno route boasted 64 kbit/s. It was a major milestone in the introduction of the Internet to the Czech Republic. Today, the CESNET network has a transmission capacity of hundreds of gigabits per second, 10 million times faster than 30 years ago. Read more here.15. June 2023
30 years of CESNET year by year
Join us to see how the CESNET network has developed year by year – we have prepared for you 30 CESNET milestones.