News 2023

  • Clock icon 7. June 2023

    CESNET co-organised the National EOSC Tripartite Event

    More than 150 representatives from all over Europe gathered for the premium National EOSC Tripartite Event in the Czech Republic. It was dedicated to the strategic cooperation within the EOSC Tripartite, which includes the European Commission, the EOSC Steering Board and the EOSC Association. The event was addressed by Helena Langšádlová, Minister of Science, Research and Innovation of the Czech Republic, and Krel Luyben, President of the EOSC Association. More here: EOSC_Tripartite.
  • Clock icon 1. June 2023

    The most advanced AI system and two new clusters for science teams

    Scientific and research institutes in the Czech Republic, which use the e-INFRA CZ national e-infrastructure for science and research, now have the most advanced system of today for computing in the field of artificial intelligence NVIDIA DGX H100. It has been installed in the CERIT-SC centre at Masaryk University in Brno and expert teams will connect to it via the MetaCentrum operated by CESNET. Read more here.
  • Clock icon 22. May 2023

    We launched a new data storage facility in Brno

    We put a new data storage installed in the premises of Mendel University in Brno into operation. The storage is built on CEPH technology and consists of 57 storage servers with a total of 1,368 disks providing a gross capacity of 26.607 petabytes (PB). The total gross capacity available to users of the national CESNET e-infrastructure has thus increased to 129 PB. In total it now includes six data storage sites operated by CESNET in Ostrava, Jihlava, Plzeň and Brno. Read more here.
  • Clock icon 17. May 2023

    Scientific Advisory Board e-INFRA CZ in Prague

    The meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of e-INFRA CZ, took place on May 15-16 in Prague. Experts from top European research institutes discussed e-INFRA CZ strategy for the further development for the period 2023-2028.
  • Clock icon 5. May 2023

    Project PRIVILEGE finished in April 2023

    In April 2023, we have finished a European research project called PRIVILEGE (PRIVacy and homomorphIc encryption for artificiaL intElliGencE) that started in 2020 and was funded by Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) a precursor programme of the European Defence Fund (EDF). CESNET collaborated in this project with three other organizations from European countries: Thales (as a project coordinator) from France, CEA from France, and Intracom Defense from Greece. The project was focused on emerging topics related to data privacy in the context of collaborative machine learning. Build
  • Clock icon 4. May 2023

    CESNET3 – premiere of SRv6 in the national research network

    CESNET is the first national research and education network in the world to deploy segment routing over IPv6 (SRv6) using the concept of micro-segments (uSID). SRv6 will contribute to the simplification of network architecture and processes, and thus to the efficient management and operation of the entire network. Read more here.
