News ArchiveNews 2023
News 2023
17. April 2023
Record data transfers from the LHC accelerator
CESNET recorded record data transfers on the LHCONE link. The virtual private LHCONE network (LHC Open Network Environment) is used for data transfer of experiments on the LHC accelerator at CERN, and also for several other particle and astroparticle physics projects. During the data consolidation of the ATLAS experiment in early April, more than 1 PB of data was transferred to the Tier-2 centre at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU) over this line in 3 days. The maximum volume of data transferred in 24 hours exceeded 600 TB.14. April 2023
Aleš Padrta in Czech Radio Plzeň
Our colleague Aleš Padrta appeared on Czech Radio Plzeň in the Our guest programme. You can listen to an interview about how to navigate the internet here.12. April 2023
The EOSC-CZ project seminar takes place today
The EOSC-CZ seminar takes place today. At the Diplomat Hotel colleagues present the key activities and direction of the project to nearly 130 participants. The aim of the project is to create a technical background and environment in the Czech Republic that supports effective work with research data. The target group is the scientific community. The opening speech was given by Marek Vyšinka and Sylvie Samková from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and Matěj Antol from EOSC-CZ/e-INFRA CZ.11. April 2023
Excellent research results of the FETA project
The Analysis of Encrypted Traffic Using Network Flows project (known as the FETA project), led by our colleague Tomáš Čejka, has undergone its first evaluation by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, which is the grant provider for this project, and has achieved excellent results. More information can be found here.5. April 2023
We have created digital models for a new exhibition at the Karel Čapek Memorial
Following the success of Čapek’s robot figure, which our colleagues from the Network Applications Technology Department brought to life last year, this year we have transformed previously unseen and unpublished family memorabilia and objects associated with Čapek’s friend and personal physician, Dr. Leopold Firt, into 3D. They can be seen at the exhibition titled “The Golden Boy, Sensitive General: Dr. Leopold Firt,” which opened at the Karel Čapek Memorial in Strž on the weekend and will run until 20th September this year. More information can be found here.3. April 2023
Pv6 Seminar 2023 – Looking for Speakers
On June 6th, 2023, another edition of the IPv6 seminar will take place. We are currently preparing the program and searching for speakers. We are interested not only in your experiences with IPv6 but also in security issues, product experiences, IPv6 implementation in Wi-Fi networks, LTE, and more. We would be delighted if you could share your expertise with the seminar participants and prepare a short presentation. More information is available on the event’s website.