News ArchiveNews 2023
News 2023
22. December 2023
Expressing our deepest condolences to the victims of the shooting at the Faculty of Arts
We expressed our condolences to victims and their families of the shooting at the Faculty of Arts. We are shocked by tragedy and feel deeply for the families and loved ones of the victims.18. December 2023
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024!
Christmas is around the corner and the end of the year is approaching. Our successful upgrade of the CESNET network cannot but be reflected in this year's PF, through which we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.6. December 2023
Conference Security Days
The first edition of the Security Days conference, organized by Géant, will take place in Prague on 9-11 April. At the conference, you will meet our colleagues and if you are interested you can speak too! You can submit proposals for presentations or lightning talks until January 19, 2024. Registration is also already open. We look forward to seeing you there!30. November 2023
We participate in Czech Space Week
Our colleague Zdeněk Šustr is speaking today at the Copernicus forum and Inspirujme se 2023 conference at the Brno Observatory and Planetarium. He will present new services, data, and plans for the National Sentinel CollGS node and the GREAT project. The conference is part of the Czech Space Week event and focuses on remote sensing and INSPIRE infrastructure for spatial data sharing. The GREAT project is funded by the European Union, Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL - ID: 101083927).30. November 2023
We support the medical community
As part of our long-term support of the medical community, we streamed the Akutně.cz conference for the fifteenth time on 25 November. On our CESNET Streaming infrastructure, we recorded more than 750 views. Over the 15 years of the conference, we streamed over 800 individual lectures. For the Akutně.cz learning and publishing portal, we have streamed more than 3000 lectures from many other conferences and workshops through our infrastructure.30. November 2023
CESNET Development Fund open call for development projects
The CESNET Development Fund Board has announced the 2024 call for development projects. The thematic areas and the conditions of the tender can be found on the website of the Development Fund. The deadline for submission of project proposals is 19.2.2024.