News ArchiveNews 2022
News 2022
28. April 2022
CESNET successfully transmits precise time and frequency in parallel with quantum keys
CESNET announced the successful cross-border transmission of very precise time and frequency, which is being implemented on the link between Ostrava and Těšín in Poland in parallel with testing of encrypted communication using quantum key distribution (QKD). This first national, but also international intercity QKD transmission, which was carried out on the territory of the Czech Republic, was launched in July last year. Two members of the e-INFRA CZ consortium – CESNET and the national supercomputing centre IT4Innovations – and the Polish academic network PSNC are co21. April 2022
IPv6 Seminary: ten years on – looking for speakers
The next edition of the IPv6 workshop will be held on 6 June 2022. We are currently preparing the programme and looking for speakers. Have you deployed IPv6 on your network? Have you implemented IPv6 on your service? Have you turned off IPv4 somewhere? Have you solved any interesting problems related to IPv6 or, conversely, the lack of IPv4 addresses? We would be pleased if you could share your experience with the seminar participants and prepare a short lecture. More information on the event website.20. April 2022
Benefit concert stream
Today we are streaming the concert from St. Simon and Jude in Prague. It is a benefit concert in support of the IMPULS Foundation, which helps patients with multiple sclerosis. It will feature our leading classical music performers. You can watch the concert from 7 pm on YouTube.14. April 2022
e-INFRA CZ Conference (10 5. 2022)
We invite you to the e-INFRA CZ conference, which will take place on 10.5. 2022 at the Diplomat Hotel. We will introduce e-INFRA CZ infrastructure, its services, international projects and research activities. We will introduce you to the latest news and outline our plans. In the afternoon programme we will offer two parallel sections. One will focus on network development, security and multimedia, and the other on data processing and storage. Registration and programme can be found here.12. April 2022
Broadcast of the XXVth Ústí Symposium "ENDO LIVE X."
Today our colleague Pavel Pečiva is providing a stream from the XXVth Ústí Symposium "ENDO LIVE X". You can watch the stream here.7. April 2022
We are collaborating on the experimental deployment of 5G technology
Together with the Technical University of Ostrava (VŠB-TUO), we are involved in the first experimental deployment of millimetre wave technology for 5G networks in the Czech Republic. Read more here.