News ArchiveNews 2022
News 2022
22. June 2022
An unconventional concert welcomes the Czech Presidency of the EU Council
A concert featuring works by Antonín Dvořák, Leoš Janáček, Bohuslav Martinů, Piet Swerts and Miloslav Kabeláč will be performed jointly by artists from the Faculty of Music and Dance of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (HAMU) and the Luca School of Arts in Belgium on 3 July 2022 at 19:30 in the Martinů Hall and Kamermuziekzaal in Leuven. Our unique technology will interconnect them to each other! Would you like to participate in this unique event? Find out more about the concert in the press release. If you are interested you can watch the strea2. June 2022
EOSC Roadshow 2022 – prezentace a záznam
Yesterday, June 1, 2022, an introductory meeting took place as part of the EOSC Roadshow in Prague. If you were unable to attend and would still like to learn something new - the presentation and recording are available on the event website.1. June 2022
Robot dětem
At the Strž memorial, our colleagues from the technology department for network applications moved Čapek's robot using an interactive application. More in the press release here.26. May 2022
Jednání Scientific Advisory Board e-INFRA CZ
On May 26-27, 2022, a meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of e-INFRA CZ was held. It was discussed the strategic direction and plans of the e-infrastructure of e-INFRA CZ. Prof. Wildová, Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Sports attended the meeting and gave an opening speech.19. May 2022
Conference EOSC Roadshow 2022 in Prague, Brno and Ostrava
We invite you to the first EOSC roadshow in Prague, Brno and Ostrava. Come and learn about the concept of open science in the Czech Republic and find out how you can get involved in EOSC activties and how the data and results are used in the framework of open science. We start on 1. 6. in Prague, continue on 3.6. in Brno and we end the roadshow on 17. 6. in Ostrava. We are looking forward to meeting you there!17. May 2022
OCRE grant up to €500.000 to use cloud services for your research projects
Until 7 July, you can apply for a grant of up to €500,000 to use cloud services for your research projects. More information here. CESNET, within the framework of the OCRE (Open clouds for Research Environments) project , provides cloud services that our members can use under favourable conditions.