News 2021

  • Clock ikon 19. July 2021

    The first inter-city quantum key distribution in the Czech Republic

    The e-INFRA CZ consortium has implemented quantum key distribution, which has reached primacy in many ways. Communication secured by encryption through quantum key distribution (QKD) represents a new shift in the field of communication security and addresses the risks associated with the advent of quantum computers, which brings with it the real danger of existing encryption methods being cracked more easily. More at press releases.
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  • Clock ikon 1. July 2021

    Annual report 2020

    We published an annual report which provides summary of the development and the most notable achievements of our association in 2020. The report is available in two language versions: English and Czech.
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  • Clock ikon 30. June 2021

    Školení Forenzní trénink 2021

    V září se vrací školení Forenzní trénink. Registraci a program najdete na webu akce. Školení se bude konat v termínu 14. – 15.9. v Praze. Těšíme se na Vás!
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  • Clock ikon 30. June 2021

    Metamorfosa 2021

    Včera (29.6.) vystoupil náš kolega Jan Kolouch na akci „Metamorfosa 2021 – Nutné kroky k bezpečnému zdravotnictví – X dní po kyberútocích na nemocnice ….část II.“. Celá akce byla zaměřena na aspekty kyberbezpečnosti IT ve zdravotnictví. „Nemocnice jsou závislé na IT. Dostali jsme se do lock-inu, závislosti na IT. Jeden ITák nezvládne všechno. Kybernetická bezpečnost by měla být o koordinaci, sdílení informac&ia
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  • Clock ikon 22. June 2021

    CESNET Forensic Laboratory celebrates ten years

    Just ten years ago, the CESNET Forensic Laboratory (FLAB) was established to support the CESNET-CERTS security team in the analysis of serious security incidents. You can read what all the colleagues in the lab do and how many analyses and penetration tests they have performed in our press release.
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  • Clock ikon 25. May 2021

    Cloud services are available to CESNET users

    CESNET offers its users cloud and infrastructure services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) from major commercial providers on discounted terms through framework agreements concluded on the basis of the results of the OCRE (Open Cloud for Research Environments) project. More info here.  
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