News ArchiveNews 2022
News 2022
31. October 2022
Autentizace, autorizace a identity – Workshop AAI
9. 11. vás zveme na workshop týkající se autentizace, autorizace a identit. Seznámíme vás s novinkami z prostředí AAI v ČR i ve světě, popíšeme bezpečnostní a procesní aspekty a zajišťování přístupů na základní registry, autentizaci a evidenci osob v IS, představíme multifaktorovu autentizaci nebo technické řešení Erasmus without papers. Bližší informace k programu a registraci naleznete zde.31. October 2022
The Catch main competition closed
We have closed the main part of The Catch competition. However, the gates of Mysterious Delivery Ltd still remain open for those who want to finish their work in progress or just want to try and solve this year’s challenges without the pressure of competition. You will have this opportunity for the next few months while colleagues get to work on the next years´competition. Here are some numbers for your reference. In total, 474 participants took part, with 381 of them completing at least one scored problem. 23 participants completed all tasks. The fastest of them in a time of 23 ho26. October 2022
FBI 2022 – presentations
On October 20, 2022, a conference on “Digital Literacy and Safety in the Online Environment” was held as part of Cyber Security Month. If you weren’t able to attend and would still like to learn about the footprints we leave online, or the power of social media and how it can impact our lives, you can find the presentations on our website here.20. October 2022
We are moving into new offices!
Telehouse building, Generála Píky 430/26, Prague 6-Dejvice. It is our new home. The ceremonial ribbon was cut today by Miroslav Tůma, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CESNET, in the presence of other members of the management. At the same time, it started the logistically and technically demanding process of moving. Most employees will begin working in the new offices on Tuesday, November 1. For CESNET, this is the first time in its more than 25-year history that it is moving. More here.19. October 2022
The International Conference on Research Infrastructures 2022
The International Conference on Research Infrastructures – ICRI 2022 starts today in Brno. The role of research infrastructures, their problems and new trends will be discussed. You can participate either directly on-site or remotely, online, via the application. You can download the special conference application via the attached QR code. It is a platform on which all symposia are streamed. It allows you to join the discussion and establish contacts with participants in Brno or online. You can find the conference program here. The e-INFRA CZ consortium presents itself at a virtual st12. October 2022
Our technology will connect two choirs remotely for the first time
CESNET will technically connect Prague and Pilsen at a joint benefit concert of the SMArt Gospel project, which supports children with spinal muscular atrophy. It is the first time we will remotely connect two choirs from different cities, who will sing two pieces together. The tenth edition of the project will take place on October 22, 2022, at 6pm. You can participate in the concerts either in person in Prague, Brno, Pilsen or Ostrava or watch the event on stream (Prague, Pilsen).