News ArchiveNews 2023
News 2023
8. February 2023
Report from the Seminar on the Security of Networks and Services
You can find a summary of the Seminar on the security of networks and services from February 7, 2023 in the report by Petr Krčmář from February 2023
Short-term network outage
Please acknowledge, that at 11:25 a.m., as part of a planned test, a power failure occurred at PoP CESNET-Prague 1 (Zikova). We apologize for any inconvenience.6. February 2023
Launching a New Service: Phishingator
Phishingator is our new service accessible through a web application designed to test employees’ resilience against fraudulent emails. It enhances their secure behavior and strengthens vigilance in email communication. The system is intuitive and automated, providing comprehensive and individualized statistics for subsequent analysis and user behavior improvement processes in online communication. The service is available to all organizations connected to the CESNET e-infrastructure. You can learn more about it at tomorrow’s Network and Service Security Seminar 2023. Detailed information can b25. January 2023
DICE Project Call
Additional services in the field of digital data storage beyond our data repository offering are available to researchers and scientists within the DICE project. The offering includes a wide range of services, from standard “personal data storage” for individuals and small teams to highly sophisticated solutions with added value for long-term preservation and identification of stored data, metadata management, and implementation of FAIR principles for data-intensive research projects. The call can be found here.12. January 2023
We have a new version of UltraGrid software
Colleagues from the Laboratory of Advanced Network Technologies (SITOLA) have developed a new stable version of UltraGrid software for low-latency and high-quality video transmission over IP networks. The main highlights include Vulkan display, improved GUI, and new features for audio processing. The new version 1.8 is available for download on all supported platforms at More information can be found here.9. January 2023
Network and Service Security Workshop 2023
The Seminar on the Security of Networks and Services is here, it will take place on February 7, 2023 in the premises of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. We are happy that after a two-year break we can organize a live meeting again. The detailed program and registration for the seminar can be found here.