Events 2023

  • Clock icon 16. May 2023 - 17. May 2023

    CSNOG 2023

    A community meeting of Internet access providers, telecommunications network operators, domain registrars and computer network operators, and technical enthusiasts.

    The program is in Czech language.

  • Clock icon 18. April 2023 - 19. April 2023

    11th CEF Networks Workshop 2023

    International workshop on optical networks.

  • Clock icon 13. April 2023

    Grid Computing Workshop 2023

    The seminar focuses on data processing, analysis and storage and introduces innovations in the grid and cloud environment of MetaCentrum and CERIT-SC.

    The program is in Czech language with one English lecture.

  • Clock icon 12. April 2023

    EOSC-CZ: Introduction of the project

    The main objective of the event is to inform the scientific community about the key activities and direction of the IPs EOSC-CZ project and its impact on the development of support for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in the Czech Republic.

    The program is in Czech language.

  • Clock icon 9. March 2023 - 10. March 2023

    Forensic Training II.

    The two-day training further develops the basics introduced in the previous training "Forensic Training I."

    The program is in Czech language.

  • Clock icon 7. March 2023 - 8. March 2023

    Forensic Training I.

    A hands-on two-day training course that provides an introduction to forensic information technology analysis.

    The program is in Czech language.
