Cloud services (OCRE)

Access to open clouds for research.

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Basic features

GÉANT, with CESNET as a member, executed the pan-European public contract OCRE (Open Clouds for Research Environments) to establish framework agreements with leading cloud IaaS/SaaS providers.

OCRE is an EC-funded project designed to give research and education users easier access to cloud services across Europe. It supports 40 European countries with 473 commercial cloud contracts, providing volume discounts to research and education institutions.

This framework, in collaboration with the GÉANT project members, offers significant benefits to the R&E community.

On June 1, 2021, OCRE was introduced and suppliers' solutions were presented. You can view the workshop recording below (available in CZ/EN):

This framework, in collaboration with GÉANT project members, offers significant benefits to the R&E community. To join the framework agreements, send a request to the user care department. They will provide detailed information on the procedure and necessary legal documents.

Terms and conditions of sub-services are governed by the specific service providers. Personal data processing is handled by these providers per their terms.

CESNET provides basic organizational and administrative support, while technical support varies according to each provider's terms.

Reduced cloud service costs
Separate contract needed
Requires technical knowledge from the user

Easy Service Acquisition

  • Easily order services directly or choose options tailored to your needs through a mini-tender.
  • Acquire services without complex tenders, following the European Directive No. 2014/24/EU.

Time and Cost Savings

  • Institutions using framework agreements have saved up to 30%.
  • Access discounts on price lists and egress charges.

Technical Integration

  • Fast and secure network peering through CESNET and GÉANT.
  • Easy login – use your institutional account via the federation.
  • Flexible licensing – Bring Your Own License (BYOL) policy.
  • Access control, accounting, and billing through dedicated management portals.

Legal Due Diligence

  • GÉANT ensures legal compliance and sets clear conditions through its framework agreement.
  • Regulatory Compliance – data processing and storage meet European and national legislation.
  • Ability to classify and process confidential information as required.
  • AWS – Rackspace
  • CloudFerro
  • CloudSigma
    More info: OCRE_cloudsigma
  • Exoscale – VSHN
    More info: OCRE_VSHN
  • IBM – AppXite
  • Google – Revolgy
    More info: revolgyOCRE-onepager
  • Microsoft Azure – SoftwareONE
  • Open Telecom Cloud – T-Systems
    More info: OCRE_tmobile
  • Oracle – Quistor Enterprises
  • Orange
    More info: OCRE_orange
  • Safespring
  • Setcor

Services based on framework agreements can be accessed by all organizations connected to the CESNET e-infrastructure – member and non-member organizations with a valid contractual (user) relationship with the CESNET Association.

Pricing depends on the chosen service provider, the quantity, and the length of the contract. Framework contracts offer discounts from the list prices of cloud service providers. Billing operates on a pay-per-use basis, reflecting the actual use of services.

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