FLAB – Event analysis

Analysing an incident that has already occurred.

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The basic features

The initial steps of analysis (securing data) should begin promptly upon detecting a security incident, as electronic traces can degrade over time, with some becoming undetectable within hours to days, though others may persist for weeks to months.

A typical analysis process follows these steps:

  • An initial consultation;
  • Formulating pertinent questions to address;
  • Providing support in securing the necessary data;
  • Analyzing the incident's progression;
  • Uncovering answers to formulated questions;
  • -Documenting the entire process and presenting findings in a final report.

The goal of the analysis is to address specific customer inquiries, such as:

  • Whether a particular document currently exists or existed on the device.
  • Whether specific applications are or were installed on the device.
  • Whether documents have been altered, and other related inquiries.
  • FLAB team boasts long-term experience and independence in the security field
  • They leverage self-developed tools and services tailored for robust security solutions
  • Supported by CESNET e-Infrastructure and CESNET-CERTS team, they offer advanced technological support

The service is charged on the basis of a separate calculation and quotation. A free consultation is first conducted with the interested party. The output of this consultation is the assignment, based on which a quotation and offer for the Forensic Laboratory services is made.

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