- Efficiently mitigates network communication incidents at their onset
- Timely response to security notifications
- Assists in managing traffic anomalies
- Aids in optimizing and strategically planning infrastructure development based on trends and IP traffic patterns
Network traffic monitoring (FTAS)
Monitoring and reporting on IP traffic (IPv4, IPv6).

Basic features
The FTAS system offers extensive tools for:
- Input processing
- Classification and filtration
- Log storage
- Statistical processing
- Search and visualization
Primary source: NetFlow data from routers or special probes
Traffic data includes:
- Extracted data from TCP/IP protocol headers
- Additional data from in-house FTAS system
Basic framework options – analysis of IP traffic transmitted by the backbone network:
- based on an ad hoc request (in the extent of standard / extra service)
- using the user interface of the FTAS system (standard service)
- by means of the FTAS system installed in the user network on own HW (extra service)
- using the user interface of the FTAS system within the CESNET e-infrastructure (extra service)
The service is available in particular to administrators and security teams of organizations connected to the CESNET e-infrastructure, or to research teams and projects which need to monitor, analyse and assess the traffic realised by IP protocol. The service can also be provided to external entities.
Basic access to IP traffic data transmitted by the backbone network (FTAS web interface) – free of any additional charge.
Custom implementation – fee determined individually.