
Processing security information obtained from tools within CESNET.

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Basic features

The Mentat system complements the Warden system. Both have been developed, tested, and operated primarily for use within the CESNET Association, benefiting its members and participants.

Mentat is a modular Security Information Management System (SIEM) designed to manage and process information from security tools (IDS, IPS, probes, honeypots, logs, etc.).

Key features include:

  • Modular design using a unified framework, allowing easy enhancement of system functions
  • Unified processing, assessment, and distribution of information to responsible staff
Jednotné zpracování bezpečnostních informací
Modulární systém snadno přizpůsobitelný potřebám
Rychlá distribuce dat k odpovědným osobám
Efektivní správa hrozeb
  • The Mentat system processes a large number of security events from various sources, primarily security tools that monitor the CESNET e-infrastructure.

The service is available to all CESNET-connected organizations and their divisions. The web interface ensures a unified approach to security events and incidents for specific networks, enables the definition of security incident reporting via email notifications, and provides access to global statistics of stored data.

The service is available at no additional charge to organizations connected to the CESNET e-infrastructure.

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