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Dnes 13.7.2024 v čase 06:00 - 12:00 probíhá plánovaný výpadek na trase Liberec - Hradec Králové.

Dedicated circuits

End-to-end (E2E) links for special applications requiring high throughput and low latency.

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The basic features

We establish dedicated links to CESNET2’s point-of-presence or specific locations like labs. For routes crossing other providers’ networks, MEF-compliant Ethernet Carrier services extend connectivity and support a single VLAN across all LANs.


  • Shared bandwidth deploying VLAN;
  • Virtual private networks (L2VPN, VPLS, EoMPLS)

Dedicated circuits and networks can be implemented in the Czech Republic and across the borders (through GÉANT Plus).

  • Shared bandwidth with other IP traffic;
  • Safe transmission – independently from ordinary traffic.
  • Interconnection of a single L2 network through two or more localities;
  • Suitable for interconnection of two or more data centres (localities) between which the servers migrate using the same IP addresses.

CESNET services are available to entities that meet the Terms and conditions for access to the CESNET e-infrastructure, primarily those focused on science, research, development, and the promotion of education, culture, and prosperity.

Contribution for implementation: up to 50% for members, up to 100% for participants; based on feature requirements.

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