Dedicated circuits

E2E links for high-throughput, low-latency applications.

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Basic features

We establish dedicated links to CESNET2’s point-of-presence or specific locations like labs. For routes crossing other providers’ networks, MEF-compliant Ethernet Carrier services extend connectivity and support a single VLAN across all LANs.


  • Shared bandwidth deploying VLAN;
  • Virtual private networks (L2VPN, VPLS, EoMPLS)

Dedicated circuits and networks can be implemented in the Czech Republic and across the borders (through GÉANT Plus).

  • Shared bandwidth with other IP traffic
  • Safe transmission – independently from ordinary traffic
  • Interconnection of a single L2 network through two or more localities
  • Suitable for interconnection of two or more data centres (localities) between which the servers migrate using the same IP addresses

Price contribution (co-payment) for service implementation – up to 50% for Association members, up to 100% for connected organizations; based on feature requirements.

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