Press releases 2021
Jan Gruntorád is the first from the CEE region to be inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame
14. December 2021
People can browse a 3D visualisation of the rare treasury of the guild of shoemakers in Ctěnice
23. November 2021
CESNET upgraded the SAGElab
13. October 2021
CESNET podepsal memorandum o spolupráci v oblasti přenosu času a frekvence optickou sítí
6. September 2021
Zařízení CzechLight sdružení CESNET byla nasazena ve švýcarské výzkumné síti
26. August 2021
e-INFRA CZ uspělo v mezinárodním hodnocení velkých výzkumných infrastruktur ČR
12. August 2021
Jakub Papírník is the new CESNET Director since August
5. August 2021
The first inter-city quantum key distribution in the Czech Republic – the most secure encrypted communication
19. July 2021
CESNET Forensic Laboratory celebrates ten years
22. June 2021
Cloud services are available to CESNET users through OCRE framework contracts
25. May 2021
CESNET has expanded the security of its infrastructure
10. May 2021
Jakub Papírník will be the new director of the CESNET association, replacing Jan Gruntorád
3. May 2021
Konference e-infrastruktury CESNET. CESNET potvrzuje nenahraditelnou roli při digitalizaci české vědy
20. April 2021
The three-day CESNET e-Infrastructure Conference starts tomorrow and will take place on-line
19. April 2021
CESNET increased computing capacity by a quarter
31. March 2021
CESNET celebrated its 25th birthday with a virtual toast
5. March 2021
Science Mesh for effective data sharing and international cooperation of the scientific community
17. February 2021
CESNET, Masaryk University and VSB-Technical University of Ostrava became members of the EOSC Association, a joint European research cloud
26. January 2021
The National e-infrastructure for research and development e-INFRA CZ will increase its parameters, counts on a speed of 400 Gb/s
15. January 2021
Press releases
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Mgr. Lucie Sáblíková