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Green policy in the CESNET Association

ICT is one of the fastest growing sectors and the increasing pervasiveness of ICT and the continuously growing demand for more computing and bandwidth creates a significant footprint within organizations and as whole. Optimizing energy and material efficiency of ICT services is imperative to ensure both economic and environmental sustainability.

At CESNET within our Corporate Social Responsibility, we integrate environmental best practice into our activities while maintaining an appropriate balance between environmental and economic considerations.

Accordingly, our policy is to:

  1. Apply responsible standards in areas not already covered by existing laws and regulations.
  2. Respect the environment and emphasise every employee’s responsibility to improve environmental performance.
  3. Integrate environmental considerations into activities including considering the environmental impact of products and services in our purchasing decisions.
  4. Minimise our use of resources and wastage of materials, recycle or re-use as far as economically and practicably possible.
  5. Save energy, e.g. through the monitoring of unnecessary use of energy sources.
  6. Share experiences with others to foster wider improvements within the community and communicate with the research and education community on environmental matters.

June 2014